Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Birthday, Natalie!

I rocked my baby to sleep tonight. She was overly tired and crawled into my lap while I watched "Private Practice." We snuggled and I wept. I cannot believe my "baby" is 5.

I still think of her as being 3 or 4. Five is just beyond my comprehension. Yet the past few weeks, I have noticed a difference in her. Her vocabulary, her understanding of things, the questions she asks.

She tricked the tooth fairy a few days ago. She sucked a peppermint down to a bumpy little piece and held it out to me saying that she had lost a tooth. She asked for an "enjelope," stuck her tooth in it and placed it under her pillow that night.

The next morning she brought the dollar to me and covered her mouth as she giggled and whispered, "It was really a pempermint," and then ran off to show her brother and sisters that she got a dollar.

I had to laugh, not only at her and how darn cute and funny she was, but at myself. Eleven years ago, I don't think I would have given a dollar to my DD for a tooth that wasn't even real. The "FIRST TOOTH" would have been too monumental a moment to mess around with and I would have told DD that the tooth fairy knew it wasn't a real tooth.

I don't take myself that seriously anymore. I can't. There are too many monumental moments out there waiting for us to mess with them.

Snuggle your 5 year old to sleep. Heck, snuggle your eleven year old to sleep. I'm about to right now.


Baby-Mama Runner said...

Glad to see you are back to blogging! Happy birthday, Natalie! My Natalie just turned 6...I know what you are feeling momma!

Marcella said...

Amy! I can't pm you back 'cause they won't allow me to and I'm about to be deactivated. Their leadership is bashing GCM, so I'm outta there. I can tell more via email. But, I wanted to let you know that I got it...just unable to respond.

Wow...five. I'm freaking out 'cause Beth is about to be four. It goes soooo fast.

Hen Jen said...

I have a 5 yr old too, and she seems a toddler to me- I keep catching myself looking in the toddler's clothes dept. for her and have to remind myself that she is way past that, but when I look at the clothes, they are the size I 'think' she is.
It goes by so fast.

you have a beautiful family, enjoyed your pics of the grand canyon.

Amy said...

Yes! I think of her as a toddler, too. Time goes by way too fast.