Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Growing up

In about 6 months, I will officially be done wiping butts. 5 is the magical cutoff age here where you're on your own. I mentioned that to Scott today and was happy, but wistful. Nothing like being engrossed in a book just getting ready to sit down and hearing, "Mom, I'm done."

Two of my kids no longer take baths, no one wears diapers, no more baby spoons, sippy cups. Our stroller broke a few months ago and there was no reason to replace it. My Maya wrap and cloth diapers(both used only with Natalie) sit in the closet, discarded way before their life expectancy.

I could try the "get rid of your baby things and you will get pregnant" method but since I would be aware of what I was doing, it wouldn't work.

Or, I could get rid of them and then they would just be gone.

My family is growing up.

And I am ok with that.

As we sat at the breakfast table this morning, all six of us and did Mad Libs while we ate, my heart rejoiced in the 10 year old filling in the blanks, the 8 year old laughing so hard he had tears, the 6 year old quietly giggling to herself and the 4 year old whose contribution to the 'plural noun' blank was "baby buttocks." And we mustn't forget dad who had to be reminded what an adverb was.

I still feel like someone is missing from our family. But until I know for sure, I will thank God for this silly, irreverent bunch and the joy they bring me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I smiled at the image of your family doing MadLibs together. I laughed at the necessity for Scott to have an adverb reminder. Life is funny.