Thursday, January 3, 2008

A bright spot

My therapist(yay, me!) looks just like Elliot on "Scrubs" at age 60. This is a little amusing and I almost giggled out loud.


Unknown said...

Yay you, for sure! Is it the lady I once asked you about in your town?
And as long as we're on the subject, MY therapist looks like Crystal Carrington on "Dynasty" but has a tiny touch of the mannerisms of the mom on "7th Heaven". Just the mannerisms, not the personality. I know I'm a dork.

Amy said...

Yep, same lady. The looks and the mannerisms. So far, not the personality. But if she ask me "What the frick is wrong with you?" I'm gonna start worrying.

Crystal Carrington! That's funny!

Unknown said...

Oh, shoot - you made me laugh out loud with the "frick" comment. Can you just imagine Elliot as a therapist? - oh, my.
I'm still laughing. I hope you're not too distracted by this woman's appearance to get therapied. =)

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