Monday, May 7, 2007


I have been so busy the past few days. I finally have a minute to update.
My 30 hours were great. I got to watch some HGTV and get some deep cleaning done. I had my ice cream for breakfast, thankyouverymuch.

I slept in one of the kids' bottom bunks because murderers can't get you as easily as when you are in a King sized bed with 2 exposed sides *g*

My running date called and asked if we could go earlier. So we ran at 10:30 instead of 2 and I was able to run 1.5 m without stopping which I feel awesome about since I haven't run in 4 months.

She has a son who is the same age as Kyle. He is beyond thrilled to have a boy to play with. I am beyond thrilled to have met a mom up here that I click with.

See what happens when I get off the computer!?!? WOOHOO!!!!

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